Oracle Cloud Infrastructure vs Microsoft Azure

October 25, 2021

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure vs Microsoft Azure

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, and businesses are looking for the best cloud service provider to meet their needs. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Microsoft Azure are two of the most popular options available, and choosing between them can be difficult. In this blog post, we'll provide a factual comparison of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Microsoft Azure to help you make an informed decision.

Infrastructure and Scalability

When it comes to infrastructure, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is built around the latest generation of Oracle hardware, which is designed to deliver high performance, security, and scalability. On the other hand, Microsoft Azure is built on commodity hardware, but it has a wider range of infrastructure services available.

In terms of scalability, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers an impressive 1 million IOPS per virtual machine, and can support up to 64 cores and 1536 GB of RAM. Microsoft Azure, on the other hand, offers up to 3.7 million IOPS per virtual machine, and can support up to 128 cores and 2 TB of RAM.

Services and Features

When it comes to services and features, both Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Microsoft Azure offer a wide range of options. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers services such as bare metal, virtual machines, and container services, as well as a range of storage, networking, and security services. Microsoft Azure, on the other hand, offers a similar range of services, but also includes services such as machine learning and data analytics.

In terms of unique features, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers a GPU-based virtual machine designed for machine learning and high-performance computing workloads, while Microsoft Azure offers a bot service for building chatbots and virtual assistants.


Pricing is always an important consideration when choosing a cloud service provider. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers competitive pricing, with pricing starting at $0.0075 per core hour and $0.025/GB for block volume storage. Microsoft Azure offers a similar pricing structure, with pricing starting at $0.008 per core hour and $0.045/GB for block volume storage.


Both Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Microsoft Azure offer powerful cloud computing solutions with a range of services and features. When making a choice between the two, the right option will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Generally, if you're looking for a service with high scalability and competitive pricing, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will be the better choice. If you need a wider range of infrastructure services or unique features such as machine learning or chatbots, Microsoft Azure may be the better option.


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